The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40688   Message #585717
Posted By: Brían
04-Nov-01 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A stor a stor a ghra
Subject: Lyr Add: A STOR A STOR A GHRA (Gaelic and English)
Bhí mé lá breá samhraidh i mo sheasamh ar an mhargadh
'S is iomaí fear a dúirt liom "Monuar, gan tú sa bhaile agam"

I was a fine summer day standing in the market
Many's the man said to me"Alas without you in the house with me!

Gheall mo ghrá domsa cinnte go dtiocfadh sí
ní raibh a culaith déanta agus sin a rud a choinnigh í

My love promised me that certainly he would come with me
His suit wasn't ready and this is what delayed him.

Tá an t-uisce ag teacht on Éirne is tá an féar ag teacht ó neamh chugainn
Tá utha na mbó a réabadh ar mheid is tá de bhainne acu

The water is coming from Lough Eirne and the hay is coming from heaven to us
The udders of the cows are bursting from the amount of milk they have in them

Thart tóin an gharraí a Mháire 'bhfuil an fhidil leat?
Aicearra na bprátai go dtéimid 'sair fhidileoir

Down at the end of the garden, Mary have you the fiddle with you?
A short cut thriugh the potatoes, we will go to the fiddler.

Bhí mise lá den tsaoil is bhí cion amuigh is istigh orm
Nach mór a d'athraigh an saol nuair nach bhfuil cion ag duine ar bith orm?

Once upon a time and everyone was fond of me
Hasn't life changed and now no one has a care for me?

This is on the ubiquitous A Stór 's A Stóirín CD with Pádraigín Ní Uallacháin and Garry Ó Bríain which gave me four of the verse translations which I see after doing all this work is no different than the transation by Proinsias Ó Maonaigh that Malcolm has offered.

I am not able to find the odd verse in any of the books I have.I shudder at the possibilities. "Devil a man's foot" or "Devil a toe" are but two possibilities for sca devin a vera cos alone.I am sorry I don't have Tríona's recording.
I hope this is some help.


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