The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40790   Message #585974
Posted By: GUEST,SINSULL, no cookie
04-Nov-01 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: NYC firefighters protest
Subject: RE: NYC firefighters protest
I have seen young, arrogant, handsome young firefighters turn into old men in a matter of weeks. The emotional toll is visible on their faces. Hopefully, their union is seeing to it that they get the psychological help that they need to go on. Anyone who has suffered a loss knows that first comes disbelief then anger, grief, etc. and not necessarily in that order. Some of these men are just coming to terms with the loss. That frustration and anger is going to be vented somewhere. These men have have been lauded as heroes, macho-men. Yet they have been unable to do the one thing they all swore would be done - the recovery of their brothers' bodies. Big surprise - their emotions are out of control.

Re: undistributed funds.
Every night the local news interviews families who lost a father, brother, mother, etc. in the World Trade Center. All of them claim that they have been unable to get the forms needed to apply for all this money. Then the Red Cross announces that they are using a substantial chunk of the Freedom Fund to upgrade their own facilities - equipment? salaries? all very vague and there has been an uproar. People donated money specifically for the families of victims. They don't want to hear that everyone including the families of victims will benefit from a bigger and better Red Cross. Significantly, the Red Cross immediately shut down the Freedom Fund and the spokesperson (president?) who was in our faces at every commercial break for the past month resigned. Shame on them!