The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40790   Message #586023
Posted By: DougR
05-Nov-01 - 12:02 AM
Thread Name: NYC firefighters protest
Subject: RE: NYC firefighters protest
I agree, Sinsull, that the funds raised specifically for the families who lost loved ones in the tragedy should receive every single dime of the money. I think that is what the deposed President had in mind when she set up the separate fund. I fault the board of directors who ruled that the funds had to be comingled with other Red Cross monies. None of that money should be spent on infrastructure for the Red Cross.

On Bill O'Reilly's program last week a representative of the ARC appeared and O'Reilly, who has been ragging the RC for weeks about getting relief to the survivors. He questioned him pretty well, and, according to the representative, the RC has re-evaluated it's decision to spend money on infrastructure and the money will go to survivors. That's the latest I know about it.

I know the RC has recieved considerable criticism over the years, but I think the good it has done world-wide exceeds the bad. Those that only see a half-empty glass will not agree with me, I'm sure.
