The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40786   Message #586031
Posted By: DougR
05-Nov-01 - 12:16 AM
Thread Name: It Can't Happen Here? (U.S. Freedom lost
Subject: RE: It Can't Happen Here? (U.S. Freedom lost
I would urge everyone who is getting their dander up over this news release from the Green Party to read the story in the Bangor Daily News before they get the hives. Charlie Baum provided the blue clicky. How anyone could attribute her treatment to the fact that she is a Honcho in the Green Party is beyond me. She was detained because she would not cooperate with airport security! Where in the hell has she been? Does she read newspapers? Watch TV? Of course airport security has tightened (even in Maine evidently)!

What some folks won't distort to get publicity for their cause.

Thanks for posting those blue clickies, Charlie.
