The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40681   Message #586157
Posted By: Ferrara
05-Nov-01 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat Crafters
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat Crafters
A Mudcat Market is a very appealing idea. I'd like to see it take shape. This year we had a Marketplace at the FSGW Getaway and I'm hearing that there will be a lot more crafts there next year.

Here's my 2cents worth which may actually be worth considerably less....

1. I don't expect it (the Mudcat Market) to be a source of lots of sales, because musicians are interested in music first and foremost and will read all the music threads before they even look at the crafts market for the most part. Furthermore, many serious musicians, like serious crafters, are always broke.... It just seems to work that way.... Barter, now, I think that's very likely to happen.

2. I'd like to see something simple and maintainable. For example, a perma thread with links to photos and info about Mudcatters' crafts, including info if any of it is for sale.

3. For those who already have web sites, we should have a link to their site.

4. For those who don't, if you can get a digital or scanned pic of your work, you can set it up in one of the free album displays such as PictureTrail or PhotoPoint and the MM can link to it.

5. Whatever we do, we need a maven (katlaughing has volunteered) to help keep track. And we need to make sure that IT DOESN'T Make Any More Work for Max.

6. If we specifically set up that a percentage goes to Mudcat, I'd like to see a simple, foolproof way to have that happen. How is it done with the auction? If it's done by having the donor send Max a check, we can do that anyway, on a voluntary basis, no need for any mechanism or formal structure....

Or, have the BUYER send two checks, one to the crafter for x% of the price, the other, Mudcat's percentage. This way the buyer gets a write-off, which would be no use to the crafter anyway since it would have to offset an equal amount of income if you follow me....

Hope this at least stirs up some more discussion....
