The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40764   Message #586286
Posted By: JohnInKansas
05-Nov-01 - 06:49 PM
Thread Name: Help: computer problem
Subject: RE: Help: computer problem



Good job.

Right now I think I'd go have a tall brown one.

For future reference - when you've relaxed a little - Windows includes a utility called Task Scheculer. It should be one of those little icons at the lower right of the screen after you reboot.

Go to Start - Help, click the Search tab, and type in "Scheduled Tasks." When you click on the "List Topics" button, it should bring up all you need to set things up so that Defrag runs automatically, on a schedule - while you sleep (provided the machine is turned on). Mine runs at 1 am on the first day of each month.
