The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40775   Message #586429
Posted By: catspaw49
05-Nov-01 - 11:08 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sincerely yours, Thanks!
Subject: RE: BS: Sincerely yours, Thanks!
I have been reading this one and I don't even want to start because I could list a hundred and leave out some. I owe so much to all of the folks who are here and I owe them for far more than those times I have been "surgically altered!"

This is a wonderful place.........Name a subject, musical or otherwise and we have some serious experts here somewhere. And where else could you find one of the most knowledgeable people and best researchers of Appalachian music who lives in the Northern territories of Australia!!!! I'm speaking here of Stewie. He's unreal. And Sandy Paton.....geez, what can you say about the guy that hasn't been said? And we have newer members who we get to know that add in some fantastic information. This is indeed the greatest place on the net and for all of our fights and foibles, it's still the place to be.

Recently we have had a guest who runs a nice site called Tweed's Blues. He was looking for some lyrics and he has been dropping by and adding in some good stuff too. He mentioned that Cletus always made him laugh, so I sent Clete over to check out his site. Well, you know Cletus....he had to make a few posts and Tweed enjoyed them as did some of his members although they wondered what the hell was going on. So Tweed posted a message to his members and I'm going to copy it here for you to enjoy....not the part about Cletus, but what he said about Mudcat.............

Posted By TWEED to his members:

Folks, I must confess, I been goin' out on you all and have visited the Mudcat Cafe, where they have so many postings you couldn't keep up if ya tried. There's people over there that's even more intelligent than we are and know song lyrics inside and out as well as just about everything else. It's a very good board and so busy that they have there own servers somewhere at a guy called Max's, who's movin' them back and forth between houses to keep the place going. It's unreal! When things get slow around here, I'd recommend a visit and read some of them posts. If you happen upon one of CLETUS'S though, I'd say don't be drinkin' or eatin' anything as whatever you got in you will likely end up shootin' out of your nose. Thanks for droppin' over Cletus and you come back too. We're small fish in the pond but we don't stink too bad...most of the time least not when the wind is blowin' real good.

Made me proud of this about you? Tweed has a real nice site and if you drop in, apologize for Cletus' postings! He sure had some nice things to say about us didn't he? He's a member here now, so if you run across him, you'll know who he is.

I love you all.....
