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Thread #40786   Message #586510
Posted By: Metchosin
06-Nov-01 - 12:53 AM
Thread Name: It Can't Happen Here? (U.S. Freedom lost
Subject: RE: It Can't Happen Here? (U.S. Freedom lost
Initially I was being a bit facetious when I suggested that perhaps the FBI and CIA get their lists from CSIS, however, the following article from the Ottawa Citizen leads me to believe that perhaps I wasn't far from the mark.

I don't know what to make of the Green Party leader's story in the US, but the treatment of Dr. Joan Russow, National leader of the Green Party of Canada, might make some US members of the Party a might testy and I'm sure the two National parties trade stories.

Secret files chill foes of government
State dossiers list peaceful critics as security threats
Jim Bronskill and David Pugliese

"The credentials on Joan Russow's resume are rather impressive.

An accomplished academic and environmentalist, she served as national leader of the Green Party of Canada.

The Victoria woman had also earned a reputation as a gadfly whoroutinely shamed the government over its unfulfilled commitments.

But Ms. Russow, 62, was dumbfounded when authorities tagged her with a most unflattering designation: threat to national security.

Her name and photo turned up on a threat assessment list prepared by police and intelligence officials for the 1997 gathering of APEC leaders at the University of British Columbia.

"All these questions start to come up, why would I be placed on the list?" she asks.

Mr. Russow is hardly alone. Her name was among more than 1,000 --including those of many peaceful activists -- entered in security files for the Asia-Pacific summit.

The practice raises serious concerns about the extent to which authorities are monitoring opponents of government policies, as well as the tactics that might be employed at future summits, including the meeting of G-8 leaders next year in Alberta.

Further information regarding sharing between CISIS and the US authorities can be found in this article entitled "Criminalizing Dissent"from which the above was quoted.