The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40347   Message #586781
Posted By: GUEST,2 feathers
06-Nov-01 - 11:59 AM
Thread Name: BS: The Naming of Cats
Subject: RE: BS: The Naming of Cats
How dull of me to think you only wanted cat names! What great names and stories. I was only going to tell you the names of my cats...many in my life before they took revenge and I became allergic to the dander. Cleocatra, Cat-ass-trophe, Katya, Sophisticat and more less interesting names: Spooky, White Bibby. Cleocatra learned how to open the screen door by turning the handle. Sophisticat liked to eat buttered stringbeans. Turned up her nose at a dish of milk. My mother took White Bibby miles away when I was about 11 years old. She never found her way back. I wept for days. Considering she was a cat lover who used to sneak kittens into her mother's blanket closet when her mother was out, and knew how to use cat talk, the desertion was uncaracteristic of her. Mother used to stand on the street (Brooklyn about 1913-14) and meow. All the neighborhood cats would come out, sit down in front of her, and look up into her face waiting for the next instruction. Mom never knew exactly what she was saying, but the cats all did. Spooky attacked my friend Janet when she came in to the house. Janet had dozens of cats wandering in and out of her house. Spooky must have smelled cat rather than Janet.Katya came when Spooky was a pretty old cat. She thought Spooky's tail was made just for her to pounce on. Spooky became angrier and the tail whipped up and back more quickly to Katya's delight. Finally Spooky had a nervous breakdown and retreated to the top of the refrigerator where her twitching tail was out of Katya's reach. I miss having cats and being allergic to them is the pits.