The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40790   Message #586828
Posted By: GUEST
06-Nov-01 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: NYC firefighters protest
Subject: RE: NYC firefighters protest
I agree with Whistle Stop. Moving all the grieving people to a place where they accept that there will be no recovery of the bodies is likely impossible in this situation.

The safety of the living matters too, and construction worker's lives are at risk here too. Regardless of how the site will be used in future, the demolition and removal of debris has to happen. They've been pretty lucky with the weather so far, but winter is fast approaching. The weather will only make the demolition more dangerous. The city officials and managers at the site have to get non-essential personnel out of there, and right now, firefighters are non-essential.

The Village Voice has an interesting article on the parade of celebrities making the rounds of the NYC fire houses, how overnight the firefighters became folk heros, etc. There are still large numbers of celebrity and politician and VIP sightseers coming to the WTC site, and that has to be slowing things down some too. I think they need to just close the site down and get on with demolition. After all, the Pentagon isn't open to tourist gawkers wanting a look at a bomb site. Enough is enough--it is time to move on. Dragging out the recovery phase indefinitely helps no one at this point, nearly two months after the fact.