The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9123   Message #58702
Posted By: Bill D
15-Feb-99 - 12:28 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Popeye the Sailor Man (Sammy Lerner)
Subject: RE: Lyrics for Popeye the Sailor
ah, catspaw...humble as I am, I can lay claim to being one of the worlds greatest Websurfers...partly because of my ability to intuit 'how' a thing would be referenced on the WWW...but partly because I take seriously the simple mathematics of it all...I am told that there are 130,000,000 or so webpages, and after subtracting the 40-50 million that must be devoted to sex, it just seems obvious that ANYTHING of interest to more than 3 people will soon be represented online...for instance, since I am a member of a Wood Collectors society, I have lots of people look at me strangely. I just tell them that if people can collect cannonballs, string and barbed wire...what is so strange about wood?

well, in 10 minutes after I read your post I found these:

giant balls of twine

cannonballs & the cannons!

barbed wire museum

it is a BIG world out, since Popeye has his place...I'm going looking for Smokey Stover..*grin*