The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40817   Message #587127
Posted By: SDShad
06-Nov-01 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: ADD: Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald (Lightfoot)
Subject: RE: Have you not heard of Gordon Lightfoot?
"Fitz" is a song I've enjoyed a lot, and found greatly entrancing at times, but I do suffer from the syndrome of having heard it just a few too many times.

However, the problem I have with it is that it seems to be the only Gord song that some random yobbo at every open mike in the known universe has ever heard of (that, and maybe "Sundown"), a yobbo who feels compelled to yell out "sing Wreckadaedmundfitzgeeeeerrraaaalllld!", whenever I say "this next song is by Gordon Lightfoot now," or words to that effect, before singing "Canadian Railroad Trilogy," or "Early Morning Rain," or my personal favorite, "Ten Degrees and Getting Colder."

Okay, so I don't always handle hecklers/requesters/heckling-requesters too well. I am, after all, the guy who once said "no, I sing real country" when asked to sing Garth Brooks....
