The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #40747   Message #587871
Posted By: Haruo
07-Nov-01 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Koledy in English? (Polish Xmas carols?)
Subject: RE: Koledy in English? (Polish Xmas carols?)
Masato: Thanks!

maire-aine: Thanks and welcome to Mudcat! If you email me the word document you're compiling as an attachment, I'll try to get at least some of them into HTML format and posted on my website or in my online hymnal. Also I should mention that I have the tunes to the ones listed in my post above (they are all in the Esperanto hymnal Adoru), but if you are sending any that are not on my list, it would be helpful if you could also send the tunes. If you have MIDI files or NoteWorthy Composer, those would be good for my purposes, or if the Polish hymnal has the music you could snailmail me a photocopy or scan it as a GIF or JPEG and email it to me. You are right that Mudcat is somewhat diacritically challenged. It seems that even if you post something coded so that it looks right, the superscripts and special letters tend to disappear if the text is "harvested" for the Digitrad. So it's probably better to post such things off-Mudcat and just provide links here for people to get to them.
