The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9182   Message #59011
Posted By: Bruce O.
17-Feb-99 - 04:55 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Jesus Met Woman at the Well/Maid & Palmer
Here's the Percy Folio MS text of Child #21. Child called it "The maid and the Palmer".

^^ [Lillumwham]

The: maid, shee went to the well to washe,
Lillumwham, Lillumwham!
the mayd shee went to the well to washe,
whatt then? what then?
the maid she went to the well to washe,
dew ffell of[f] her lilly white fleshe;
Grandam boy, Grandam boy, heye!
Leg a derry, Leg a merry, mett, mer, whoope, whir!
driuance, larumben, Grandam boy, heye!

White shee washee, & white shee ronge,
Lillumwham, &c.
white shee hangd o the hazle wand,
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

There came an old Palmer by the way,
Lillumwham, &c.
sais, "god speed thee well thou faire maid!"
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

"Hast either Cupp or can-
Lillumwham, &c.-
to giue an old Palmer drinke therin."
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

sayes, "I haue neither cupp npr Cann-
Lillumwham, &c.-
to giue and old Palmer drinke therin."
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

"But an thy Lemman came from Rome,
Lillumwham, &c.
Cupps & canne thou wold ffind soone,
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

She sware by god & good St. John,
Lillumwham, &c.
Lemman had shee neuer none;
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

Saies, "peace, ffair mayd! you are fforsworne!
Lillumwham, &c.
Nine children you have borne;
Grandam boy, heye, &c.-

"They~ were buryed vnder thy beds head;- [~ three
Lillumwham, &c.-
other three vnder thy brewing leade;
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

Other three on won play greene,
Lillumwham, &c.
Count, maids, & there be 9."
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

"But I hope yu are the good old man-
Lillumwham, &c.-
That all the world beleeues vpon;
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

"Old Palmer, I pray thee, -
Lillumwham, &c.-
Pennaunce that thou wilt giue to me."
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

"Pennance I can giue the none,-
Lillumwham, &c.-
but 7 yeere to be a stepping stone;
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

"Other seauen a clapper in a bell,-
Lillumwham, &c.-
but 7 yeeres to lead an ape in hell. [*
Grandam boy, heye, &c.

When thou hast thy penance done,
Lillumwham, Lillumwham,
when thou hast thy penance done,
whatt then? what then?
when thou hast thy penance done,
then thoust come a mayden home."
Grandam boy, Grandam boy, heye!
Leg a derry, Leg a merry, met, mer, whoope, whirr!
driuance, Larumben, Grandam boy, heye!


* It was a rather common 17th century saying (I hesitate to say that it was a real belief) that unmarried maids were doomed to lead apes in hell.