The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41028   Message #590551
Posted By: mmm1a
11-Nov-01 - 10:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Harry Potter
Subject: RE: BS: Harry Potter
Grab I just saw shrek last week . I watched it with my 2 youngest (7 and 11) and my 4 year old grand son. And yes I agree it was good, esp ,liked the music. My daughter-inlaw(not the one who is againest Harry Potter) bought the video and let us borrow it. My sons favorate song line from the movie was brush your shoes and and wipe your (pause) face pretty funny stuff for an 11 yr old.ok I thought it was funny too , little ones didn't get it though I am sure my 7 soon to be 8 will get it soon enough after hearing her brother sing it 10 millions times. mmm