The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41045   Message #591070
Posted By: GUEST,Nick
12-Nov-01 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: BS: Best comedy lines
Subject: RE: BS: Best comedy lines
From Get Smart Max and Siegfreid in a Kaos submarine with Kaos henchmen holding machine guns on Max. "I'll give each of you $10,000 if you help me aresst Sigfried" and the Guns are turned on Sigfreid who counters with a $20,00 offer Guns turn to Max, the bidding and guns go back and fourth till Sigfried warns "Boys if you keep this up you cant come to the Kaos picnic. Max offers $ 1 Mil but the guns remain on him.. " What can I say Schmart?..., zee boys LOVE picnics!"