The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41057   Message #591421
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
13-Nov-01 - 03:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: They are taking the !'£$ again!
Subject: RE: BS: They are taking the !'£$ again!
I know what you mean Liz but it's not a question of laughing at myself - I do that enough anyway! It's a question of how long can a joke go on for. I have not danced morris for some years btw but I still go around once a year with Abram as either King or Fool (apt) ;-)

"Which one of you is Morris then?" is wearing a bit thin. As is going to the bar at the folk club while someone sticks their finger in their ear and goes 'Nearrrrggghhh' or asks where my wooly jumper is. Of course we smile politely and say 'Hey - good one - not heard that before!' but it still gets monotonous.

Is there nothing original any more? Can the TV ad men not come up with something that we have not seen? Guess not - but here's hoping!

Q. How many folk singers does it take to change a light bulb?

A. 5 - 1 to change it and 4 to sing about the dead one in close harmony....
