The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41122   Message #592343
Posted By: Trevor
14-Nov-01 - 08:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone ever tried accupuncture?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone ever tried accupuncture?
My GP is a trained acupuncturist and suggested a course of treatment for neck pain after a car acident. I was quite sceptical but, as nothing else had worked, thought that I would give it a go.

He told me that the first session would probably have little effect on the pain but that I should bring somebody to drive me home as one effect may be drowsiness. His prediction was pretty accurate - I felt knackered for about an hour afterwards but then as high as a kite for the rest of the day. After the second treatment there was short-term pain relief and again the drowsiness followed by a feeling of euphoria. I had eight treatments in all, about once a week, and felt that probably the healing process had been a natural one which would have happened anyway, but that the short-term pain relief had made the healing period more comfortable.

The doc did explain to me that the process releases natural endorphins which are about a dozen times stronger than cocaine and which will therefore have a pretty big effect on the body.

One other side effect for me was that it affected my sleep patterns. I was quite surprised when the doc asked me if I was having any problems sleeping - he heard this quite a lot apparently.

I did pass out on one occasion. One of the needles that he put in my arm as a kind of local analgesic moved around when I waggled my fingers and it felt so odd that, being the original twat, I flaked out.

I've since been back to him for another course of treatment to help me through related aches and pains (on this occasion he passed a low electric current through the needles - it didn't seem to make much difference) and, fom being very doubtful about the value of acupuncture would now consider as part of any healing regime I was undertaking.

I think as well that I would use it for a general boost of 'feelgood', if I felt I needed it (which I generally don't 'cos I have a nice life anyway).

I should add that my GP uses predominantly 'conventional' Western techniques but is so convinced about the efficacy of acupuncture that he sees it as an essential part of his Doc's kit.

And he provides it on the NHS.