The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9708   Message #592526
Posted By: Little Hawk
14-Nov-01 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: A Horse with No Name (from America)
Subject: RE: Desert-Horse-Name
Clifton - Well, there was this satirical comic in the late 60's that had all the well-known American politicians of the time in it, dressed up as various superheroes in tights...Marvel Comics style. Goldwater was one of them. He flew a plane rather like the Batplane, only it was more colorful...and it had only a RIGHT wing! No left wing whatsoever. Flying that sucker must have been quite a challenge!

BTW, the friggin song that started off this thread kept me awake half of last night, torturing me for hours by going round and round in my head. AAAAARGHHHH!!!

- LH