The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41171   Message #593169
Posted By: Celtic Soul
15-Nov-01 - 09:54 AM
Thread Name: BS: Domestic Terroris Against US Women
Subject: RE: BS: Domestic Terroris Against US Women
I said this previously, but it bears repeating:

That is a little like comparing Niagara Falls to a leaky faucet.

Sure, both are "running water", but it simply is not the same thing. Not even close.

*NO* woman is safe in many restrictive fundamentalist Muslim nations. Not unless she stays at home, obeys her male head of household with *no* error, and insures that not even an inch of skin ever shows. If she fails, she risks being *stoned to death*. Not 7 since 1977...7 in the last month alone (if one combines all the zealously fundamentalist Muslim nations).

I'll take the US version of "terrorism against women" over the pain and suffering that women daily deal with in many fundamentalist muslim nations any time.

I can tell my Father/Husband/Brother to screw off if I like here, and not fear being *legally* killed for it. I can travel without a male member of my family, and not fear being *legally* killed for it. I can wear what I like, and even if I *do* break the law, I do not have to fear being *legally* killed for it...

*ALL* without so much as a trial in many cases.

No, the US is not perfect for women (or anyone else, for that matter)...but it's a hell of a lot better than the alternatives in repressive fundamentalist Muslim nations.