The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41172   Message #593372
Posted By: InOBU
15-Nov-01 - 01:19 PM
Thread Name: POL: Dumbya's Star Chamber
Subject: RE: POL: Dumbya's Star Chamber
Well said Irish Sargent. Jeb! Beyond Constitutional rights, there are basic HUMAN RIGHTS! Now, my concern is that the secret courts are to be conviend to cover up Americas involvement in things we may never know about. One can't have democracy in the dark of night. How can we judge the report in Le Figaro that the CIA station cheif for the region met with Bin Ladin two weeks before the WTC event, if we don't have public trials. When assaination, as in the case of Oswald, or secret trials rob us of open justice, than we are left living in fear of our government, it ain't democracy . Cheers Larry