The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41171   Message #593442
Posted By: Mrrzy
15-Nov-01 - 02:52 PM
Thread Name: BS: Domestic Terroris Against US Women
Subject: RE: BS: Domestic Terroris Against US Women
2 things: one, "forced castration of female children" - I'd like to see you try to find any female with the right apparatus for that operation. I think what was meant was mutilation.

And the other, Celtic Soul, you shocked me, and that's not easy. OUR government DOES support acts which in a more enlightened culture would be considered terrorism, it's implicit in the acquittals for murdering mere abortion doctors or women or blacks or anybody else that is downtrodden. It supports them EXPLICITLY by naming vociferous anti-abortion extremists to positions of power, like Attorney General or Surgeon General, or by getting rid of anybody who like Joycelyn Elders didn't support the religious anti-sex attitudes by (for example) promoting abstinence over masturbation. And so on. Again, yes it's illegal to kill people, but boy is it tolerated and even encouraged by our people AND our government. Not to mention how atheists are treated, the putting of Christian god stuff on our money and in our courts and schools and Pledge of Allegiance (which shouldn't be mandatory ANYWAY, it's not the FLAG that we should honor, it's that which it represents)... you can't even testify in our courts without invoking some supernatural being, our president prays when he ought to be acting (OK, and he acts when he ought to be thinking, but that is a separate issue) - I mean, what other industrialized nation's leader calls on the supernatural to help them do their job???!? We're a LAUGHINGSTOCK outside our borders, and with reason!