The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41195   Message #593780
Posted By: Dave the Gnome
16-Nov-01 - 04:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Traffic problems - Solutions?
Subject: UK Traffic problems - Solutions?
It makes me mad!!! Not the road rage mad I hasten to add but just when I think about it later. For the umpteenth time Peter Street in Manchester was half blocked by a John Smiths Wagon delivering beer to Bar38 - At 8:30 in the morning. Deansgate was brought to a standstill for 5 minutes while an articulated lorry backed into Marks and Spencers delivery bay. The journey to Monsall and back took twice as long as usual - not because of pure volume of traffic but because large vehicles could not negotiate the small roads safely!

Why don't councils ban city centre deliveries in rush hour? Why are trucks and lorries allowed to get away with performing illegal moves and block the flow of traffic? As far as I am concerned the traffic laws are made to make the roads safer and to keep the traffic moving. If these vehicles (or possibly the drivers?) cannot perform within the law surely they should be banned. Shouldn't they?

I do drive quite a lot (30k a year or thereabouts) in all sorts of conditions and on all sorts of roads and the number of times I have thought that if wagons and cars were seperated it would make life a whole lot easier! I am not saying that either the lorry or car drivers are at fault - just that they can no longer be on the same roads at the same time.

Public transport is a joke around here. It takes my wife up to 90 minutes to get to work 5 miles away by this means - 30 minutes, in bad traffic, at the most if I drop her off. Usualy 15 minutes. Does anyone have any sensible ides?


Dave the Gnome