The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41195   Message #593972
Posted By: GUEST,Leonard
16-Nov-01 - 10:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: UK Traffic problems - Solutions?
Subject: RE: BS: UK Traffic problems - Solutions?
Well Dave I think it makes everyone hopping mad. Unhappily the situation is such in city centres and towns that if vehicles did not park illegally then business would be untenable. With Christmas coming up there is a large increase in the volume of deliveries to city centre locations and places like London and Manchester suffer the worst because they have the most pubs, restaurants and shops in constricted areas all of which require constant topping up of supplies to keep all the greedy consumers (ie, us,)happy. One thing that bugs me is that, for example, we get to eat Mr Kipling cakes nationwide because road transport makes it possible, but why the hell is it necessary for them to be delivered to every corner shop in a 10-wheeler articulated instead of a small van? This goes for a load of other products and I frequently see some Effing huge vehicle parked half up on the kerb on a double yellow line to drop off, say, a dozen loaves and a tray of pies. All traffic problems seem to be solved on an ad-hoc basis -someone gets knocked down so they bulid a padestrian crossing, that sort of thing. No one person or group can or will take a global view of transport problems. In London for example you have Commuter railway (Railtrack or whatever it's called this week.)London Underground, Buses, Taxis, prvate and commercial road users and I don't believe that they can be viewed in isolation from each other but form one vast living inter-related problem. There are so many groups that make decisions, the companies themselves, Local Councils, Health & Safety, Ministry of transport and all have their own vested interests,axes to grind and power bases to defend & extend it's no wonder its a mess.