The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41122   Message #594426
Posted By: Little Hawk
16-Nov-01 - 08:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Anyone ever tried accupuncture?
Subject: RE: BS: Anyone ever tried accupuncture?
The se people are anyone not already accepted by 53 as proven and legit, of course, who else? And that largely depends on whom 53 has been listening to between birth and the present day, and whom 53 has faith in as being reliable and authoritative...or not.

Life is opinion, and opinions are endless. They don't amount to bugger all next to actual experience.

Uninformed people think chiropractors are quacks, and they think the same of acupuncturists.

Everyone out there has a selective view of reality, which they have gradually acquired over their whole life from their family, their peer group, their nationality, their religion, and whatever other influences were around them.

Then they have a basic psychological nature laid over that. Some people have a natural affection for the conventional viewpoint...others have a natural affection for the unconventional and exotic. Either group are frequently guilty of gross prejudice and misjudgement based on those affections.

The only people who can say for sure as to whether chiropractic or acupuncture have value are those who have actually experienced the treatments, and/or seriously studied the techniques involved and learned how it's done.

The positive testimonials of those who have benefited from such treatments, sadly, will have as little effect on a person who is already prejudiced against them as pissing into the wind would have against the prevailing weather conditions, because people will generally defend their accustomed prejudices with the tenacity of a pitbull. In so doing, they are defending a psychological identity that it took them a lifetime to create, so no wonder they are so adamant!

It's as useless to try to change the mind of a prejudiced person whose prejudice is mere opinion as it is to try to get Democrats and Republicans to be truly fair and objective toward one another. Utterly futile, in fact.

Which makes me wonder why I bother? Just can't resist the bait, I suppose...and like the rest of you I naturally rise to defend what has become a part of my personal identity.

I know from experience that neither chiropractic nor acupuncture are quackery. Direct experience. Got that? What darkness can you possibly shed on my experience? None.

- LH