The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #8823   Message #59451
Posted By: Art Thieme
21-Feb-99 - 11:03 AM
Thread Name: Opinons on pick-ups for acoustic guitar
Subject: RE: Opinons on pick-ups for acoustic guitar
Playing music on a steamboat while putting up with the slap of the paddlewheel, the whistle, and the escaping steam sounds, as well as the delighted squeals of Bingo winners, made a decent pickup almost a necessity for me. (How do ya get 20 elderly people to say F_ _ _ ? Have one of 'em say "BINGO"!)

I found a pickup (a plastic strip of inducer material) that stuck onto the spruce top of the guitar with double backed tape. It gave me the most accoustic sound I'd ever heard from any pickup back then. Took the sound directly from the vibrating wood. I tried several spots on the top until I found "the spot"--where the sound was best. Folks in lounge chairs out on deck were hearing me through 3-inch little speakers all over the boat. Those inside where I was weren't hearing me much better than that. Often, on real great sunny days, EVERYONE would go outside to watch the river and listen out there. I was left totally alone---so I'd pretend I was doing a radio show broadcasting from the innards of the boat to the outer limits. Yes, I learned patience and humility on that job--something I needed badly---especially when we had a 2-hour delay going through a lock behind a double tow. (That has helped me a bunch to endure long downloads.) But those gigs got our son through college---kinda rare for a folksinger to get done. And the serenity of the river is always a gift I'll have with me for as long as I live.

Oh----back to the pickup.

I don't remember the brand...
