The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41009   Message #594564
Posted By: Kaleea
17-Nov-01 - 04:31 AM
Thread Name: Fender Acoustic Guitars
Subject: RE: Fender Acoustic Guitars
Way back in the '70's I played a Fender acoustic which had a small body, and the fender electric neck. I'm thinking it might have been called "Wildflower" or something like that, don't know how can I remember anything that long ago! It belonged to a friend who let me "borrow" it for 2 or 3 years, and I had to return it when I moved. I really liked that guitar, as my short fingers had an easy time stretching along the frets, and the action was way down low and easy, and it had a lovely tone. Now that I am getting the arthritis in the fingers, and find the big old Gibson heavy to carry, I can only imagine that one of those would be difficult to find. Anyone have one of those for sale?