The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41163   Message #595005
Posted By: Bob Bolton
18-Nov-01 - 04:53 AM
Thread Name: What are other names for the accordion?
Subject: RE: What are other names for the accordion?
G'day again ...

I forgot: Crane Driver - most musical textbooks class concertinas a sub-set of accordion. That is entirely reasonable as they are technically no different ... they certainly are different in detail - but the range of concertinas has more difference from each other, than concertinas have from accordions!

I do note that The Oxford Dictionary and its offspring define a concertina in its own terms - without need to call up the image of an accordion ... but that is intended for people capable of understanding English.

The The Oxford Compamion to Music (the old Percy Scholes 1-volume) starts of by referring you to: The Reed Organ Family"(!) and then makes the hoary old claim that the concertina was invented by Sir Charles Wheatstone as an improvement on Buschman's early (1821) accordion (or akkordion?).

You can take your pick ... BTW: The Guitar and Banjo are both members of the lute family ...? (A long way down the branches ... but sharing the critical characteristics (if little else).


Bob Bolton