The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41271   Message #595274
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Nov-01 - 06:19 PM
Thread Name: Help: Vertigo or Dizzieness
Subject: RE: Help: Vertigo or Dizzieness
When I had this problem last year it was because a little bone inside my ear had fallen out of place OR was irrirtated by a tiny piece of lint or something else that had travelled deep within my inner ear. My doc had me lie still on my back, while he and others quickly turned me onto my opposite side, so that ear was down and had me lie very still for about 30 minutes, then they quickly turned me the other way. He also put me on meclazine and, while it took a couple of weeks, it did finally clear up. I was very, very careful how I turned over in bed as I didn't want it to happen, again! So far, so good!

I woudl urge you to keep in touch with your doc, though and make sure it is nothing else which might be causing it. If your doc isn't satisfactory, get a second opinion!
