The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41271   Message #595340
Posted By: katlaughing
18-Nov-01 - 08:29 PM
Thread Name: Help: Vertigo or Dizzieness
Subject: RE: Help: Vertigo or Dizzieness
Llanfair, it was my regular family doctor and he didn't diagnose it by rolling me around, though with the right doc, that might be fun!**BG** The little bone is called an otolith literally, "ear stone" and as I understand it, it floats in a certain position. The rolling me back and forth was an attempt to get it to fall back into place, if indeed that was the problem. As I said, it could also have been a microscopic bit of fluff or dust which upset it. And, no, I've never had my eardrums pierced.:-)
