The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9262   Message #59696
Posted By: Joe Offer
22-Feb-99 - 08:51 PM
Thread Name: Welcome to Mudcat
Subject: RE: Welcome to Mudcat
Yeah, but Kat, we're trying to work up a standard reply that is pleasant and understandable and concise. What would be ideal is if we could come up with a very brief caveat to be added to the "create new thread" page. maybe something like this:

Create a New Thread

Welcome to the Mudcat Cafe!
If you're looking for a folk or blues song, you've come to the right place. Please help us find your song by following these steps:
  1. Search our Digital Tradition Folk Song Database: Click here
  2. Search our Discussion Forum: Click here
  3. If a search doesn't work, start a new thread, using the box below to enter a thread title that identifies your song. Click the grey button to create the new thread, and then give us an introductory message that tells us what you already know about the song. (hint: Be sure to give your thread a good title. Generic thread titles like "lyrics requested" or "desperately seeking lyrics" won't help us find your song)

 Name of thread: