The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4630   Message #59746
Posted By: Teresa
23-Feb-99 - 02:11 AM
Thread Name: HTML Stuff
Subject: RE: HTML Stuff
Ok, I'm ready to try my lazy cheater-method.The only thing is--the "view source" option on the context menu (when you right-click on the message in Outlook) is elusive. It's only showed up one time in ten for me, and I think I'm duplicating the same conditions, ... although I'm beginning to think not. I have formatted text checked in the format menu this time, which is something I've never done before, so I'll inflict some of my bad impromptu lyrics on y'all. Hahahaha! Here goes. ... (Oh, by the way, "view source" was elusive in this particular case, too) Ahem!

Got them formattin' blues When I'm postin' lyrics to a thread. Got them formattin' blues When I'm postin' to a thread. Dunno what else to say; Better quit while I'm ahead.

Yikes! Teresa