The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41317   Message #597549
Posted By: Nigel.Parsons
21-Nov-01 - 06:24 PM
Thread Name: Harry Potter: Good Witch or Bad Witch
Subject: RE: Harry Potter: Good Witch or Bad Witch
Sophocleese (any relation to John Cleese ?/ nearly Headless nick): I happily confirm that a person born of wizard parents who is untalented, or weakly talented, at witchcraft is a "Squib". Whether this has the same connotations in the U.S. I'm not sure. A Squib is a firework, a type of "banger" (no pretty show, just a loud BANG) but the term squib seems to now be reserved to fulfil the meaning previously used for a "damp squib" i.e. a firework with no pretty show, and which fails even to produce a good bang. Celtic Soul: Quoting is no bad thing, but unless the U.S. edition has been translated from the English, may I point out that the emenations from a troll's nose are "Bogeys". Buggers are (in English) persons who indulge in sodomy. I realise it loses something in translation.

Finally, HP is about having power, but choosing to use it for the right purposes. I seem to remember another book which could be the subject of book burning. It involved the central character being tempted by a "Satanist" who took him to a high place and offered him the world if only he would swear his allegience... It all comes down to choice.

Nigel Parsons