The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41419   Message #597751
Posted By: EarlofSidcup
22-Nov-01 - 03:16 AM
Thread Name: Where is God?
Subject: Where is God?
From a letter in today's Daily Telegraph:

SIR - Have I just heard the first fruits of the proposed legislation to make incitement to religious hatred a criminal offence? Speaking on the Today programme yesterday morning, the Bishop of Oxford referred to "the divine mystery at the centre of the universe", presumably to avoid giving pre-eminence to the Christian Deity through use of the exclusive epithet God, which claim, he must have thought, could be interpreted by worshippers of other gods as an incitement to religious hatred.

I tried out this new religious correctness on Genesis 1, v 3-4:

"And this divine mystery at the centre of the universe said, Let there be light: and there was light. And the divine mystery at the centre of the universe saw the light, that it was good; and the divine mystery at the centre of the universe divided the light from the darkness."