The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9262   Message #59802
Posted By: puzzled
23-Feb-99 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Welcome to Mudcat
Subject: RE: Welcome to Mudcat
one of the threads i tried starting was truncated the other deleted the thread title and subject completely leaving a blank.
I think you all are definitely on to someting about having this info on the create new thread page. I wonder if a standard system request could be suggested. i.e. calling a lyrics request thread
?lyrics? to (song title, composer, artist or phrase here)
or something like that?

this might get around the truncated colon problem (did i just open myself up for one of Art's jokes *pun intended*)

even though I am a newbie to mudcat, i can see that the web growing pains are going to hassle youall. I esp. like having the discussion forum info and the DT search info so readily available. Finding that info has helped me feel more comfortable in using mudcat.
a big thanks again for this most wonderful service!!!