The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9262   Message #59821
Posted By: Joe Offer
23-Feb-99 - 12:26 PM
Thread Name: Welcome to Mudcat
Subject: RE: Welcome to Mudcat
Well, Sherlock Offer solved the Case of the Truncated Thread Title - quotation marks in thread titles make everything after the quotes invisible. Since people are very likely to put quotes in titles, this is a real problem. I hope Max & Mike can make the 'Cat a little less fussy about the characters we post.
Until the problem gets fixed, I'll try to transfer things over to threads with proper names, so we don't have such a problem. In the meantime, don't use quotation marks in thread titles.
I have some questions about using introductory abbreviations in thread titles like LYR ADD: TUNE ADD: LYR REQ: CHORD REQ: and the like. I know a lot of people like the idea, but I think it's nice if we usually keep to just one thread per song, one song per thread - and discuss anything and everything about that song in that thread. It seems to me that just the song title is a pretty good title for a thread. It sure makes things easier to find, and keeping things all in one thread usually seems to make for a more interesting discussion. If I had my druthers, I'd use my magic edit button to consolidate multiple threads to keep all information about a song together. Haven't found my druthers yet, though - maybe they'll turn up somewhere. It seems that there are many people who prefer separate threads for adding tunes and lyrics, and some will even start a new thread to respond to a request. Since this opinion seems to be pretty strong, I don't think it would be right for me to take it upon myself to consolidate what somebody else has created separate. Still and all, I think I'm right, and all those people who want multiple threads for one song are wrong, wrong, wrong (in my not-so-humble opinion).
-Joe Offer-