The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41510   Message #599195
Posted By: Aidan Crossey
28-Nov-01 - 04:22 AM
Thread Name: Photographs of Irish Trad Musicians
Subject: Photographs of Irish Trad Musicians
I posted a link to this in the Tommy Gunn obituary thread. However I realise that many people may not have read that thread. (Tommy's name is not that well known. Despite being a founding member of The Boys Of The Lough, he left shortly after they formed and began to accrue the reputation they have today. So Tommy is probably regarded more as a "footnote" than a "star".)

Anyway, Jim Maginn undertook a project a few years back to photograph a quare clatter of Irish traditional musicians (a good few of whom, like Tommy are no longer with us, sadly). Those who, like me, "have a trad head on" will enjoy their visit!

Jim Maginn's Diddilee Dee