The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41419   Message #599308
Posted By: Amos
28-Nov-01 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: Where is God?
Subject: RE: Where is God?
Incitement of hatred is naturally and universally a civil offense, even where not recognized as such. It is an offense against the fabric of life that makes survival and futures possible.

Incitement to religous hatred is a bit of a sticky wicket. Interesting idea though. What would be "religous hatred"'s defintion? Hatred attributed to Higher Truth. God, what malarkey!! As long as one religion or none is not specified, it is not exactly mixing state matters in with the religous ones, and in fact is blocking up the dyke between them. Which I favor .

I think it is risky, interesting, experiment in a good purpose. Hard to say how it might turn out. If it has chilling effects on free speech it will of course be bad news despite good intentions. That's the big risk.