The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41508   Message #599389
Posted By: Áine
28-Nov-01 - 11:32 AM
Thread Name: Additions to Mudcat Storyteller Page II
Subject: RE: Additions to Mudcat Storyteller Page II
I'm still gleaning the 'best of the Mudcat' stories from old posts, PMs and emails; but, if you have an original tale you'd like to see on the Mudcat Storytellers Page, please send it to me at -- but, please, do not send your story as an attachment (trying to be wary of viruses, don't you know) -- instead, please include it in your email as 'inline text'. And if you've sent one before and it never appeared, please resend it to me. Thanks!

Here's a couple of wonderful, wonderful stories by Mikal, The Blacksmith and the Devil and The Champion. I'm sure that you'll enjoy them! ;-)

-- Áine