The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41419   Message #599565
Posted By: Amos
28-Nov-01 - 03:13 PM
Thread Name: Where is God?
Subject: RE: Where is God?
Excuse me, Carol, but I was not being intolerant that I could see. Would you like to point out what I said that was intolerant? I was simply trying to clarify the semantic obfuscations that get promulgated on this murky subject. There's a big difference between insisting on clear statements, semantically, and being intolerant. I'll te;; you what though -- if you prefer to asser that all these terms -- including "where", "is" and "God" are essentially based on personal preference and are not in fact definable on any other basis, then the discussion is a granfaloon, and a waste of time. De gustibus no disputandum, and all that. If you believe there are definitions to the question, then when you get ready to state what you think they are, maybe some real ideas can be exchanged.