The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41476   Message #599682
Posted By: Rick Fielding
28-Nov-01 - 05:49 PM
Thread Name: BS: Jay Leno, bigoted buffoon.
Subject: RE: BS: Jay Leno, bigoted buffoon.
Hi Jim. It simply wouldn't be ALLOWED either here (in Canada) or in the States. We have our own political satire programs but they are so mild compared to "Yes Minister" as to be quite unfunny.

Just the fact that so many good folks here are so outraged at Leno's tacky jokes proves it. In five minutes "Yes Minister" would slice through the hypocracy so quickly that the lawsuits would all be filed by the next day. EVERYONE would get it...The AL Sharpton types, Italian Mobsters, Christian fundamentalists, they'd have had a field day with Clinton's wandering penis (not yours Mr. Hammond) and the material they could get from Dubya's syntax would be constant and really vicious. What they'd do to Teddy Kennedy would be equally cruel (and just as accurate), and I simply don't think those being sent up would stand for it...legally.

The reason the Brits can slag the French, (and everyone else) is 'cause they aim the ray-gun straight back at themselves just as pointedly. They simply laugh at stuff that many North Americans would call 'fightin words'.

They got to me early (with the Goon shows) so I love that kind of humour...all the while knowing it's in poor taste.

Ever seen "Ab Fab"? Try to make fun of alcoholism and cocaine addiction on THIS side of the pond. they DO, and it's hilarious.
