The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41510   Message #599763
Posted By: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)
28-Nov-01 - 07:14 PM
Thread Name: Photographs of Irish Trad Musicians
Subject: RE: Photographs of Irish Trad Musicians
In anyone happens to be in Galway, our archive housed in the Hardiman Library at University College-Galway, contains my husband George Pickow's 1952 pictures taken throughout Ireland during that year, along with music recorded at that time. The Maginn site is marvellous. The Ritchie-Pickow Archive takes the music and musicians further back a generation or so, as ours shows such ones as Elizabeth Cronin (now known as, "Bess," because of her grandson's book (Daibhi O'Cronin is the grandson, a history professor at the University); The MacPeakes, when Old Francie was the guiding spirit; Sarah Makem in her cottage at Keady, with family around her; Michael Gorman and is wife Margaret Barry. Hosts of others, known and unknown, around the country.

I have heard that the Library is preparing a site to show some of these, but so far haven't been able to locate anything online. The library staff are usually very willing to show the archive to visitors, but I should call ahead if I were going especially to see it. Jean