The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #600165
Posted By: Gervase
29-Nov-01 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Absolutely not.
Foxes may not be a problem in Maine, where the big outdoors is maybe big enough to sustain a natural population, but in the cramped UK there's hardly room to swing a cat, let along a fox. As a result natural territories are squeezed and the foxes take advantage of the food supplied by humans - be it sheep, bird poults, chickens, rabbits, cats, the contents of your name it.
Hunting with hounds isn't the best way to control foxes - lamping at night with a rifle is probably the most efficient. But it does help control the population (artificially, sometimes, because in some hunt areas, foxes have to be persauded to breed!)
One problem with a lot of the fox-hunting fraternity is that they will keep baning on about the 'controlling foxes' argument when they should be candid and admit why they do it - because it is such tremendous, adrenalin-charged fun. It's risky a heck (if you want it to be) and it is a pastime that, in an over-regulated society where the Health and Safety Executive reigns supreme, gives some people the atavistic thrill of risking a broken neck.
Ban foxhunting and what's next? I don't hunt, but I shoot and fish, and I would hate to see those sports banned - and the antis would turn their attention pretty sharpish to shooting and fishing if they won a ban on hunting.
It's a delicately-poised argument, I'll admit. But fundamental to my personal belief s on the subject is the concept that animals don't have rights - humans have responsibilities. Sorry, an inchoate posting there, but one quickly dashed off post-lunch.
I may be back...