The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #600602
Posted By: Jon Freeman
29-Nov-01 - 08:33 PM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
endall, there ar urban foxes. On the other hand, I have lived in the countryside most of my life about 26 years of which were in the same Welsh village. There were foxes, we kept hens, ducks and geese and had a few losses but only when we had neglected to shut them up properly. Never lost a cat to a fox in all that time though too much of a risk at least under normal circumstances and I would bet certain stray/roaming dogs would pose far more threat to a cat than the fox.

Other than that, there was little problem with foxes apart from the occasional (annual if that) feeling among some that the fox population was getting too high. A few people went out with guns did the job (yes they did kill them) and that was that - no need for regular hunts.

Fox hunting accounts for comparatively few fox deaths compared total deaths of foxes click here for an alternative pro fox-hunt view to the one offered by a couple here - more in line with Steve Parkes thoughts.

Oh and better just say the link I provided to was to the League Against Cruel Sports. I don't think I share their views on everything - didn't read that far. I have nothing against the person who goes fishing, or shooting and eats what they catch or shoot. I suspect contary to a few a couple of posts here, there would be many anti fox-hunting (IMO bloodlust) people who would be in favour of people allowed to do just that - I'd eat a pigeon or a rabbit even though I'm not a hunter of any sort.
