The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #600763
Posted By: gnu
30-Nov-01 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Murray... yes, it is spelled and pronounced tiDbits here in America. And we still have a magazine equivalent but it is spelled Playboy.

Course, you've heard about the greatest coon dog ever, Old Blue. After several treeings where the owner would not let the "sport" from the big city shoot the coon but, rather, shook the coon from the tree upon which Old Blue viciously tore the coon apart, thereby saving ammo. In the end, one coon could not be loosed from it's grip so the owner crawled out on the limb with a stick, lost his grip and fell. On his way down, he hollered most emphatically, "SHOOT OLD BLUE !!!!!"