The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #600779
Posted By: Gervase
30-Nov-01 - 05:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
if you want some stats on hunting, you'll find some here.
Yes, I know it's from a pro-hunting organisation, but the waters surrounding this issue have been hugely muddied by both sides, and there's precious little truly objective information around.
I have nothing against vegans who are anti-hunting - they have a perfect right to be. But anyone also who eats commercially-reared meat or who uses any animal product - be it gelatin, leather, wool or whatever - should really keep mum on this, as they are implicitly condoning far worse cruelty than is meted out to the fox by the hounds.
As, indeed, is anyone who owns a cat.
Lord save us from perishing bunny-huggers who would anthropomorphise everything and impose a fluffy miasma of urban sentimentality onto the world.
I blame that bloody Beatrix Potter!