The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41556   Message #600781
Posted By: GUEST,Stavanger Bill
30-Nov-01 - 05:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Subject: RE: BS: Should foxhunting be banned?
Hi Spaw -

Apologies for the delay in responding to your specific queries, hope this is of some help -

The Sable Coated Norwegian Fox:

Absolutely stunning in appearance (Mega Fit), can be naturally blonde, brunette, redhead or artificially all those colours depending on what bottle of hair dye lay within easy reach of their hair stylist last visit.

This variety can most commonly be sighted in cities and although generally considered to be, by nature and habitat, a high cost maintenance item. Is eagerly hunted - normally because sable fur coats tend to be rather warm to wear (Info source - reliable informant, not personal experience) with the result that on entering their selected den for the evening and subsequent removal of coat the foxhunter is normally rewarded with some breast taking scenery and verification that silicon must be an illegal substance in Norway and that most do their shopping at Fantasy Fashions. This process of coat removal has also given rise to another odd behavioural trait governed by the dictum that one should always leave an establishment wearing a better coat than the one you entered it with.

It is from this trait of coat shedding that the English coined the phrase, describing a woman as "Having a fur coat and no knickers" - originally this was purely an observation, between collected hunters viewing the gathered vixens to select the easiest target. This phrase was later carried back to England, where it's usage was corrupted to describe a woman as being a "Dead Cert who is quite prepared to use what she's got to get what she wants". The degree of corruption of the meaning of the phrase, on reflection, is generally considered to be slight.

Ages vary from early twenties to late forties, the upper end of the scale definitely fitting into a category best described as being considered "In damn good shape for a veteran!!"

While ravashing, enchanting and delightful in appearance, it must be remembered by prospective foxhunters that, in the horizontal position, these are wild, dangerous animals - best kept at arms length after the initial, enjoyable, hopefully protracted, close quarters engagement. They might not be sly and cunning - but you can bet your ass they know a lawyer who is.

Degree of edibility is more than adequately verified by Norway's international reputation as having the finest seafood in the world - and they ain't talking about fish.

Gnu's advice given above;

"...hunters go deep in the bush and always shoot twice."

Is extremely sound and should be rigidly adhered to, but to it I would add the cautionary note for prospective foxhunters not to take the first part of Gnu's advice too literally as the majority of them shave.

Yours, in the hope that I have done my bit to boost trans-Atlantic air travel.
