The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41592   Message #600899
Posted By: Big Mick
30-Nov-01 - 10:03 AM
Thread Name: OBIT: Beatles' George Harrison (29 Nov 2001)
Subject: RE: OBIT: Beatles' George Harrison
Yeah, Peter, I think you hit it best, as usual. No phoney sentimentality, just "Oh Shit, I hate for this to happen". Harrison, from all reports, just didn't go for the maudlin when it came to dying. He believed absolutely in reincarnation and actually spoke a number of times about it being just another waypoint on the journey. I wish him well as he continues his trek.

The Beatles were such a major cataclysm in the world of music in general, and on my generation in particular. I think I was in the seventh grade when they came out. I remember a group of us buying "Beatle wigs" (dress codes in those days precluded long hair) and getting on stage in the basement gym at Kelloggsville Junior High School in 1964/65 and lyp synching to their records. We had a ball. Probably had a lot to do with my developing my desire to perform. Guess what role I played? Yep, George Harrison. I loved them all, but George was always my favorite. I just wanted to play like him. Never got there.

Thanks George, and the others Beatles as well, for the role you have played in my life.
