The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9338   Message #60173
Posted By: Wolfgang
25-Feb-99 - 06:53 AM
Thread Name: ADD: In the County Roscommon
Subject: ADD: In the County Roscommon
That's one for the Roscommon singers circle second CD. The song is from the repertoire of Micho Russell from Doolin, Co. Clare. It has been recorded (Micho Russell singing!) on the 2. Irishes Folkfestival LP (German release). I don't know whether it has ever been recorded outside of Germany. I also don't know whether it is known by a title and not just by the first words. The tune Micho sings is closely related to "The old Orange Flute" with a couple of minor variations.



In the County Roscommon with hail storms and rain
As I was crossing the field on me way to the plain
I met a fair coleen, says she, did you know
The shortest of shortcuts into old Ballymoe.

Says I, coleen og, who led you astray
I think I'll go with you and show you the way
Says she, I won't go with you for you I don't know
You might kiss me between here and old Ballymoe.

Says I, coleen og, I've seldom been kissed
She says, poor lad, sure a lot you have missed
But I am willing to learn you now
We can practise between here and old Ballymoe.

You think I go with you you moron gay rogue
I don't like your looks and your smoothering clothes
You are young you are handsome but God knows You are slow
You look like a dead one in old Ballymoe.

Says he, I've been noted for strength and good looks
My brains' not so bad when I mastered the books
I'll give you a ring till married we'll go
And forever live happy in old Ballymoe.

She started to laugh till I thought she would choke
(the record sleeve prints "joke"; makes no sense to me)
She says, poor lad, I will tell you a joke
Get out of my way, but now I must go
I've a husband and six kids in old Ballymoe.