The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #41583   Message #602256
Posted By: Amos
02-Dec-01 - 03:46 PM
Thread Name: BS: Where Is God Book Two
Subject: RE: BS: Where Is God Book Two
Having survived a recent bout of extreme illness which included a few peeks over the edge of the known universe, much in the way that near-death experiences are supposedly wont to do, I am sorry to report that tunnels and light and relatives across the water are purely subjective overlays and are not, in fact, provided by the universe for the benefit of the egocentric soul leaving his or her grungy little body. There is no free MGM out there, but you can put one there if you wish -- and if you do, it will opulate itself in all the right colors and quirks, just as though you had imagined every detail. Because... well, point made.

What is REALLY "out there", once you get over the self-satisfying solipsism, is a bunch of disembodied rank amateurs, poseurs, con men and touts looking for some virgin attention units to suck up from the unwary. More like a carny strip than a hereafter, with all the caveats in force.

No diamond thrones or glorious rainbows of Infinite Might or naked beardlings or nightgowns in the air or flip-flopping feathered virgins, either.

That's my report and I'm sticking to it. Your mileage may vary!! :>) And no snide remarks about projection, either. LOL!
